Atty. Oliva slams Anti-Marcos, VP Leni: "You dare shout "HINDI BAYANI SI MARCOS"? Gaga! Alam namin hindi siya Bayani"

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Regal Oliva, a lawyer slammed Vice President Leni Robredo for calling the Marcos burial a 'secret' and labeled it 
"like a thief in the night."

This was the statement of Robredo, "Stunned ako eh, parang we knew that it was going to happen pero hindi na-imagine na it would be conducted hurriedly at patago [in a hidden manner].Iyong sa akin lang parang insulto yata iyon sa Filipino people.

Atty. Oliva did not hold back from criticizing Robredo. He cited that the burial was about to happen and it was not a secret just because she was not told ahead of time.

He stated that the burial was legal so the Marcos didn't violate anything.

Also, he even explained that if the Marcos family wanted it to buried in secret, they should have done it a long time ago. But he said they respected the people and he also wanted that they do the same.

In the end part, once again he left a strong speech.
"And you dare shout "HINDI BAYANI SI MARCOS"? Gaga! Alam namin hindi siya Bayani, Ferdinand ang name nya. Go talk to Agbayani and Fernando, silang dalawa ay Bayani.

Tala-tala ka ha."
Read the full statement: 
Marcos is NOT buried in secret.

It is covered by LIVE media with Military guards present to honor him. Families and supporters were all there. So where is the secret there?

Just because you were not told of the schedule of his burial, secret agad? Kailangan talagang may matanggap ka na memo?

Saba ka diha!

You claim that Marcos declared Martial Law as a surprise ("like a thief in the night"), and now he does it again in death. HELLO?!? You know that his burial was imminent, you should have prepared for it. Just because di natapos ang Philippine terno mo, para ma talbogan mo si Meldy, galit ka agad?

Shut up ka!

The Marcos family respected due process, they never buried the late Ferdinand before getting a Supreme Court decision dismissing the petition to stop the burial. There was no law that was violated. Nothing is illegal in burying him. A decision as made by the final tribunal.

They could have buried Ferdinand a long time ago - in secret. But they did not. They respected the Filipino people. So now that it is time for him to be buried, can you just at least respect the bereaved family and the dead?

What you can do now is sour grape and shout all you want. Wounds are healing, and there you are mastering the art of being a bacteria by causing more injury to a wounded race.

And you dare shout "HINDI BAYANI SI MARCOS"? Gaga! Alam namin hindi siya Bayani, Ferdinand ang name nya. Go talk to Agbayani and Fernando, silang dalawa ay Bayani.

Tala-tala ka ha.
Source: Facebook

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