De Lima to Kerwin Espinosa: "May God forgive you for all your sins and all your lies about me"

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Senator Leila de Lima refused to ask questions to the suspected drug lord Kerwin Espinosa during the Senate hearing.

But he gave Kerwin a message. De Lima said that all accusations of Espinosa were all lies.

She said she may the Lord forgive Kerwin and added that she already forgive him for accusing her.

"May God forgive you for all your sins and may God forgive you for all your lies about me and I forgive you," De Lima said.

Espinosa said he gave De Lima a drug money and they had met in Baguio City.

De Lima said asking questions would be "pointless, useless [and] futile", so instead she made a speech and denied the accusations. 

She said Kerwin's testimony was a 'total fabrication.'

"But let me say to my colleagues here and everyone in this hall and to everyone listening and watching this proceedings, I say this to you: I categorically firmly deny and absolutely deny having known Mr. Kerwin Espinosa," De Lima said.

"I categorically firmly and absolutely denied having received any money any cash from Mr. Kerwin Espinosa either directly or indirectly through anyone else in any occasion at any time whether that money is supposedly for either protection or fundraising for campaign expenses," De Lima added.


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