Erap on Anti-Marcos protesters: "They’re just wasting their time"

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Manila Mayor and former President Joseph Estrada commented about the Friday protest on Marcos burial and he called it a "waste of time."

Mayor Erap said that instead of protesting, they should think more how they could contribute to building the country.

“They’re just wasting their time. Instead they should look for…how they can help build our country,” Estrada said.

“He’s already dead. He’s dead. And as Christians, we have no authority anymore to judge a dead person,” he added.

On Friday, thousands of anti-Marcos protesters flocked in several locations in Manila and provinces across the Philippines to condemn the clandestine burial of the late strongman at the heroes’ cemetery on November 18.

Estrada said he only allowed the rallies in the city even without permits because it was directed by President Rodrigo Duterte.

The former president also recounted that during his term, he had already finalized plans with the Marcos family for the burial of the late strongman at the heroes cemetery.

If he had not been ousted from his position in 2001, Marcos would have been long buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, Estrada said.

In August, Estrada publicly expressed his support to the burial of the late president at the heroes’ cemetery.

He said Filipinos should move on and respect the dead. "We are all Christians. We have to move on. Let's devote more time on the problems of the country. Move on. Let go anything of the past," Estrada said.

"We all must respect the dead... Hindi na dapat siguro pag-awayan 'yan," he added.

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